JavaScript library documentation

Quick reference

All you need to know in a single page.

What it is?

LemonadeJS is a micro-reactive JavaScript library (About 7 KBytes). It has a syntax close to vanilla JavaScript and offers a quick learning curve. This page brings a summary of the most important concepts.

The self object

The self is an object that contains all the properties and methods used in the template. An automatic observer helps to keep the HTML according to the {self} states. The methods are available from the template, which is excellent for creating verbose and reactive applications.

Special self attributes

  • el: a reference to the root element of each component. Only available when the component is ready.
  • parent: when a component is called from another component. This property contains the self object of the caller.
  • refresh: trigger the changes from a self property to the view. It is used to refresh the view when a array is changed or to refresh a whole component.


There are a few special attributes you can use in LemonadeJS, those are:

  • :ref add a property in the self that keeps a reference to the DOM element.
  • :bind is used to create a two-way binding between a tag and the specified property.
  • :ready defines a method call when the element is ready and appended to the DOM.
  • :loop is an attribute to render an array of objects into the DOM.


There are a few methods to create and manage the LemonadeJS components.

Method Description
Core functions
element(string, object, object) It will create the DOM elements based on an HTML template and bind the scope with the self object.
lemonade.element(template: String, self: Object, components: Object) => DOMElement
render(DOMElement, DOMElement, object?) It will append the newly created LemonadeJS DOM elements to a root given.
lemonade.render(component: Function, root: HTMLElement, self?: object) => DOMElement
apply(DOMElement, object, object) Bind the self scope to an existing DOMElement already in the DOM.
lemonade.apply(root: HTMLElement, self: Object, components: Object) => void
setComponents(object) Add component references to be used across the whole application.
lemonade.setComponents(components: object) => void
Sugar functions
set(string, self, persistence) Make the self or a data dispatcher available in the Sugar common container to be used across different components.
lemonade.set(alias: String, self: Object, persistence?: Boolean) => void
get(string) Get a self reference from the Sugar common container.
lemonade.get(alias: String) => Object | Function
dispatch(string, data) Call a data dispatcher.
lemonade.dispatch(alias: String, data: Object) => void


Two native events are available within the {self} as follow:

  • self.onload(component) It happens when the component is ready and mounted.
  • self.onchange(property, affected) occurs when a property of the self is changed.

The event object

The JavaScript event (e) is available on the HTML tag attributes <div onclick="self.test(e);">test</div>


Create unit tests for your LemonadeJS components.

Learning examples

Basic examples

Advanced examples

Pico Extensions

A LemonadeJS Pico component implements common application requirements and should have a limit of 1.8 KBytes and zero dependencies. That is a challenge that promotes highly optimized solutions for modern applications. The official pico components are:

  • List: (1.5 KBytes): helps to convert an array of objects in a list of objects, with search and pagination.
  • Rating: (1.5 KBytes): reactive star rating implementation
  • Router: (1.8 KBytes): render your components based on routes. Very useful to create single page applications.
  • Signature: (1.5 KBytes): a optimized implementation of a javascript signature pad.

Extensions using LemonadeJS

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