LemonadeJS methods
The following table lists the native LemonadeJS methods.
Method | Description |
Core functions | |
element(string, object, object) | It will create the DOM elements based on an HTML template and bind the scope with the self object. lemonade.element(template: String, self: Object, components: Object) => DOMElement |
render(DOMElement, DOMElement, object?) | It will append the newly created LemonadeJS DOM elements to a root given. lemonade.render(component: Function, root: HTMLElement, self?: object, template?: HTMLElement) => DOMElement |
apply(DOMElement, object, object) | Bind the self scope to an existing DOMElement already in the DOM. lemonade.apply(root: HTMLElement, self: Object, components: Object) => void |
setComponents(object) | Add component references to be used across the whole application. lemonade.setComponents(components: object) => void |
Sugar functions | |
set(string, self, persistence) | Make the self or a data dispatcher available in the Sugar common container to be used across different components. lemonade.set(alias: String, self: Object, persistence?: Boolean) => void |
get(string) | Get a self reference from the Sugar common container. lemonade.get(alias: String) => Object | Function |
dispatch(string, data) | Call a data dispatcher. lemonade.dispatch(alias: String, data: Object) => void |
- The
renders a HTML string and bind a self data object its DOM elements.
- The
runs a component or class and bind the result to a existing DOM element.
- The
will be used when you wish to bind a self to an existing appended DOM element. That is useful to apply a self to an existing application without changing the application.
Basic JavaScript Example
The following examples are basic examples on how to apply a self to an existing DOM root element. Of course this is just an example for education purposes and a better scope encapsulation should be considered.
<script src="https://lemonadejs.com/v3/lemonade.js"></script>
<div id='root'>
<input type="button" value="Update"
onclick="self.title = 'New title'" />
// Apply the self object to an existing HTML element already in the DOM
let self = {};
self.title = 'Hello world';
lemonade.apply(document.getElementById('root'), self);
Control an existing HTML form
The following example binds a self to an HTML form to control the values of the form elements.
<script src="https://lemonadejs.com/v3/lemonade.js"></script>
<form id='root'>
<div class='form-group'>
<input type='text' name='name' :bind="self.name">
<div class='form-group'>
<input type='text' name='profession' :bind="self.profession">
<div class='form-group'>
<select name='gender' :bind="self.gender">
<option value="1">Male</option>
<option value="2">Female</option>
<div class='form-group'>
<input type='button' value='Save profile' onClick='self.save()'>
// Apply the self object to an existing HTML element already in the DOM
let self = {};
self.name = 'John Lennon';
self.profession = 'Musician';
self.gender = 1;
self.save = function() {
alert('Do something...');
lemonade.apply(document.getElementById('root'), self);
You can use lemonade.render
and lemonade.element
to create components, or use lemonade.apply
to bind a self to a block of HTML code.