
JavaScript Plugins

LemonadeJS JavaScript Components

On the website, you can find different official components. We can categorize those as Pico Extension, Plugins, and Integrations.

Pico Library

A Pico library is a collection of particular components that follow some characteristics below.

  • It has less than 2 KBytes;
  • No dependencies required;
  • Highly optimized code;

Available components

Currently, the following components are available on the official LemonadeJS Pico Library.

  • List: Create a list of elements from an array based on a given template, including search and pagination.
  • Rating: A micro JavaScript star rating plugin.
  • Router: Create a JavaScript single-page application with routes using LemonadeJS.
  • Signature Pad: A JavaScript Signature pad using LemonadeJS.


The LemonadeJS component library includes other JavaScript plugins and components for common requirements.

Submit your components

If you have created something awesome and would like to share, please clone and send your PR.