Mastering LemonadeJS integration is straightforward when using it as an ES6 module in the browser. This modern approach leverages the import statement, allowing for a more organized and maintainable codebase. Below is an example of how to include LemonadeJS in your project using module syntax:
<div id='root'></div>
<script type="module">
import lemonade from '';
function Component() {
const self = this;
self.rows = [
{ title:'Google', description: 'The alpha search engine...' },
{ title:'Bind', description: 'The microsoft search engine...' },
{ title:'Duckduckgo', description: 'Privacy in the first place...' },
// Custom components such as List should always be unique inside a real tag.
return `<table cellpadding="6">
<tbody :loop="self.rows">
lemonade.render(Component, document.getElementById('root'));