DIV onresize
There is no support via native JavaScript to track changes in the width and height of a DIV. So, in the following example, we will show a simple implementation to track the changes in dimensions of a DIV using LemonadeJS.
Tracking changes in a DIV dimensions example
Source code
<script src="https://lemonadejs.com/v2/lemonade.js"></script>
<div id='root'></div>
var Width = (function() {
var self = {};
self.init = function(element) {
// Initial values
var w = element.offsetWidth;
var h = element.offsetHeight;
// Track the changes
element.onmousemove = function(e) {
if (e.which) {
if (w !== element.offsetWidth || h !== element.offsetHeight) {
w = element.offsetWidth;
h = element.offsetHeight;
// Update dimensions label
self.dimensions = w + ',' + h;
self.onresize = function(element) {
console.log('DIV has new dimensions');
// Component template
var template = `<div class="resizable" @ready="self.init(this)">
On resize on DIV elements: <span>{{self.dimensions}}</span>
return lemonade.element(template, self);
lemonade.render(Width, document.getElementById('root'));
See this example on codesandbox
A pure vanilla implementation
Although this site is dedicated to LemonadeJS, for education purposes, we present you with a pure javascript vanilla implementation using onmousemove.
Pure vanilla implementation
DIV onresize example on jsfiddle
Source code
var move = function(e) {
if ((e.w && e.w !== e.offsetWidth) || (e.h && e.h !== e.offsetHeight)) {
new Function(e.getAttribute('onresize')).call(e);
e.w = e.offsetWidth;
e.h = e.offsetHeight;
var resize = function() {
<div class='resizable' onresize="resize(this)" onmousemove="move(this)">
Pure vanilla implementation
The CSS used for this section
If you wish to test the examples of this section, please copy this CSS to your project.
.resizable {
resize: both;
overflow: auto;
width: 200px;
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 20px;